Wood Peckers and tree work in our area.

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    Woodpeckers have always been an issue at our place- but last year for the first time flying squirrels decided our place was a great place to nest. We had several that came through into the cabin. Good times!

    Re: tree mortality: if the county is going to take down a tree, it’s marked CC 123, meaning Calaveras County, and a number assigned to the tree to be removed.


    For my first 15 years in Big Trees I never had an issue with wood peckers. Then they decided my house was a great place to nest. ARGH! I put up scare tape and it worked. However with sun and wind the tape will deteriorate and fall apart. So I always replace the tape each Spring. But one year I got delayed, the tape had deteriorated, and like magic the wood peckers were back as soon as the tape was gone. Now I make a serious effort to replace the scare tape each Spring. I prefer the multifaceted reflective tape. I buy it on Amazon. See photo.


    I had a cabin on Tahos and I used CD’s. Seemed to work.



    I’ve put up scare tape in several areas of the cabin and it seems to work for me. Several neighbors have the tape up. You may be able to get the tape at Ace. I’ve heard that you can also use CDs.


    Are there any suggestions on ways to rid/deter wood peckers before too much damage is done to our house siding? Also, are there particular tree markings that we would see that are a part of the tree mortality program? Thank you.

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