Favorite hiking/biking trail from BTV

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  • #7047

    And come to think of it, yes, I think you did send out the link when you took it down from BigTreesTech….


    You’re welcome for the link!
    But I am not the one who saved the info. I knew it existed “out there” becuase I have used it since you took it off BigTreesTech, and did a quick google search for it to find it.
    In fact, I was mistakenly under the impression that you had archived it somewhere using the alias bigtreeshome.com.

    I wonder who did?!


    @tmjhsc Thanks for the link and for saving the content.
    Did I send that to you when I closed down the Sierra Joe’s website?


    Our very own “Sierra Joe” has been a source of hiking inspiration for me. Some of these are in Big Trees Park as mentioned in this thread. Others are further up the hills. But the guides and the videos are great….thanks Joe!



    Thank you for the added details.


    Two more suggestions:

    1. Across Hwy 4 from Camp Connell there is a dirt road that goes all the way to Arnold/White Pines Lake. Fun bike ride down, anyway.

    2. At the very end of the road in Big Trees SP, there is a fire road that continues on, crosses the creek and climbs up the far side. There are lots of side trails and roads there for either biking or hiking. I like to hike a loop up that way and come back down through the South Grove. Even when the park is crowded I rarely see anyone.


    The river trail goes from the overlook parking, about half way between the park entrance and Oak Hollow campground down to the river- it’s beautiful and passes through lots of dogwoods if they’re in bloom. It’s mostly downhill, so the return can be a challenge. Here’s a link on All Trails:


    There’s a great fire road that continues on the North Grove side of the ridge from the trail that bigtreestechman described too, with a couple of spurs to the right that lead down to North Grove and the park HQ. If you’re bringing a dog, check restrictions: not allowed in North Grove, and must be leashed elsewhere.


    Would you tell me more about the river trail?


    There is a trail at the end of Cheyenne way that leads into the park. It comes out at the park road near the overlook where you can pick up the river trail. You cannot bike on any of the trails in the park, but there are lots of fire roads that you can bike on


    I am looking to expand my hiking and MT biking from BTV. Any suggestions, would be appreciated.

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