Down Time

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  • #2725
    Rich Owen

    Donate Button pushed! Thanks for all that you do, Joe!


    Oh, and lucky find… I discovered that another connection problem I was having (unrelated to BigTreesTech) was due to the same limitation on another device. Software can sometimes be such a PITA!!!


    OK, we’re back to 100%! It turned out that the last problem was due to one wireless adapter that would not accept certain characters in wireless passwords. It didn’t complain about them, it just acted like they’d never been typed in. When I quit for the day yesterday I had a suspicion it had to do either with certain characters or coding of the characters. Glad that’s done!


    Well, 75% of the change to the new router went smoothly and was done within an hour or two… Then, it took the rest of the entire day trying to deal with the last 25%. When I finally quit for the day I was only able to put a bandaid on the last issue so I’ve got more time to put into it at some point in the near future.
    I’ve been doing BigTreesTech for about a decade now… at some point I’m going to loose interest or ability to keep it up. While I’m not ready to walk away just yet, if you are interested and believe you are technically capable of taking it over, please get in touch with me and we can start talking casually about a possible transition.
    Oh, and if you are not interested in taking over but you appreciate the site… did you see the DONATE button?


    There may be some down time for BigTreesTech on Sunday, 11/30 while I replace a router and reconfigure several devices.

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