Aggressive dogs loose on Chumash

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    I would like to suggest that even if your dogs aren’t aggressive, please don’t let them outside unleashed unless you’re with them and they’re under your voice control. I had an incident at the end of May near Meko and Shoshone as I walked my two German shepherds. A cute yellow lab showed up across the street and started following us. He wouldn’t go away and I had to stop walking and just stand for a bit hoping he’d take off. He didn’t. I started walking again and he started approaching us, doing a play bow and taking off. He did this multiple times getting closer each time. My dogs would have loved to play with him, AT THE DOG PARK. They couldn’t play because they were leashed and the street is not a play area. It wasn’t the dogs fault as he just wanted to play. The end result was the yellow lab getting way too close to us and my GSD chasing after him after literally pulling me down on my side giving me road rash on my hip and inner elbow and tearing my jeans. They all ran to the labs house about four cabins away and I was able to catch them without a problem thank God. The lab was being watch by three children under the age of 10 who probably had no idea the dog had wandered off. The parents came outside with all the commotion and all I got was a “oh, sorry”.

    Moral of the story is that even if your dog isn’t aggressive, please keep them in your eyesight when they’re outside. You can’t know if they’re causing a problem for someone if you’re not watching.


    I’ve been in Big Trees for 17 years about half time. For several years there was a rather large and aggressive dog loose in the streets. But he is gone now. Then last year another large very aggressive dog appeared in the neighborhood who would run up 100+ yards onto my property aggressively charging and barking at me and my family. It was quite frightening. But I haven’t seen him in a couple of months. The point is the same as the previous post. Please people, don’t let your dogs run loose. Take responsibility.


    I witnessed a woman walker attacked by dogs this morning on Chumash. She continued her walk so I assume she was not too badly hurt. The owner appeared to take away the dogs but seemed blase about the incident.

    Whether your dogs are 10 pounds or 100, if you haven’t bothered to train them, please do not let them loose. I’ll be keeping my children close to my home. Ridiculous! Cheaper to take training classes then pay emergency people and vet bills!

    These attacking dogs were small 10 pounders (?), two black and one white. One of the black ones seemed to be the main aggressor. 2900 block of Chumash circle.

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